Under Siege — THE blockade in Gaza
Mark Pearson
Gaza, Occupied Palestinian Territories. © Mark Pearson
I am curating my images and focusing on work that I made in central Gaza. I am including images from the harbour, the topography of the city, and daily life. Since October 7, 2023, the media has been restricted from accessing Gaza and documenting the conflict and destruction, particularly in central Gaza.
The harbour has always been a key area due to its stunning views over the sea, the fishing, the surfing, and the tranquility that the sea brings. However, it was under constant Israeli siege by land, sea, and air since 2008. The area was a prime property location in the Mediterranean; single apartments were selling a decade ago for around £3 million each, so a lot of investors have lost millions since the conflict began. With very few images emerging from the area due to tightly controlled media restrictions, I believe these images have gained more relevance and meaning over time and that way of life has ceased to exist altogether.
There has been a massive amount of destruction in Gaza since October 7, 2023. The harbour was a central area at the beginning of the ground and sea invasion by the IDF and since that time only military images have been released.
Film of the beach south of the harbour / port (before the current conflict started)
Gaza, Palestine. © Mark Pearson
Adam hotel, Al Rashid Road next to the harbour (before the current conflict in 2023) Gaza Strip, Palestine. 2014 © Mark Pearson
“Gaza is one of the most intense civilian punishment campaigns in history”
Screen grabs from IDF handout of the harbour area. The area has been damaged but that is only available from satellite imagery and I believe the footage was taken from either the Adam or the Commodore hotel in Gaza harbour / Al Rashid Street.