Zone A - A Palestinian view of Jerusalem

Cyanotype Triptych on Concrete, 122cm x 65cm

A chemical experiment and collaboration project in photochemistry and concrete. Cyanotype triptych on concrete panels, with a digital image I shot in Palestine that is chemically embedded onto the surface of the concrete, 2018.

Israeli Security Barrier: Dubbed the "architecture of occupation," "apartheid wall," and "world's largest open prison." Has featured in films, books, and art. A hotel offers "worst views in the world." UN has dedicated departments. Documented construction, creating prints on concrete. Checkpoints evoke paranoia, soldiers heavily armed. Largest, costliest Israeli project, nearly invisible on Google Earth.


New work: Zone A - A Palestinian View of Jerusalem, cyanotype concrete triptych mounted on wood. 

The Art of Failure

It was an abstract idea from the start, but it eventually became a concrete existence due to the process of failure. The concept of two artists working in polar mediums was the most interesting part of the project for me. I began to research how to embed light sensative chemicals onto the surface of concrete, photography would meet sculpture, a concept I’d never imagined before. This film is about failure, resistance and success. 


VDB on Silk

Vandyke brown, a luscious hue reminiscent of the earth's natural beauty, has the exquisite ability to infuse silk with rich, warm tones, fostering a sense of depth and allure within the fabric.

7" x 5" Cyanotype on Vellum with Gold Leaf of the Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem. (©Mark Pearson)

Dome of the Rock

Using cyanotype gold leaf on paper vellum creates a striking combination of ethereal blue hues and luminous metallic accents.

I am experimenting with light sensitive chemistry, writing and drawing inspiration from my time documenting parts of the region, to create an exhibition called Dystopia, Military Architecturte in the Holy Land.

Zone C Ramallah

Israeli Security Barrier